Our Team

Senior Management Team

Kevin QuigleyChief Executivekevin.quigley@nifha.co.uk
David LindsayProject Managerdavid.lindsay@nifha.co.uk
Belinda McCaugheyAccounts Administratorbelinda.mccaughey@nifha.co.uk

Harbour Masters

James LenaghanArdglass Harbour Masterjames.lenaghan@nifha.co.uk
Danielle RooneyKilkeel Harbour Masterdanielle.rooney@nifha.co.uk
Neil WarnockPortavogie Harbour Masterneil.warnock@nifha.co.uk


Jenny FrazerEnvironmental Officerjenny.frazer@nifha.co.uk

Administration Team

Edel JohnstonPurchasesedel.johnston@nifha.co.uk
Rachel OkrosHealth and Safety / General Adminrachel.okros@nifha.co.uk
Rosemary ScottHuman Resourcesrosemary.scott@nifha.co.uk
Wendy CampbellKilkeel Office /
Credit Control / Sales

Kevin Quigley

The Chief Executive, who also has responsibility as Accounting Officer, is appointed by, and is responsible to the Board, for the proper conduct of affairs of the Authority and the development and implementation of policies determined by the Board.  He is supported by a small team of professional management and administrative staff.